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Clem Chambers is founder and former CEO of leading stocks and shares information site, ADVFN, and General Partner of Ylem Capital clem@ylem.capital. He is author of the Amazon number 1 best sellers 101 Ways to Pick Stock Market Winners, Beginner’s Guide to Value Investing and Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginners Guide.

Clem’s intricate knowledge of the workings of the financial markets is highly sought after and he is a regular commentator and analyst on Fox News, the BBC, CNN, CNBC and Al Jazeera.

He has written investment columns for internet bible Wired MagazineYour Trading Edge, Index Trader, Gulf News,  Trader’s and currently writes for Mac Format  and Forbes. Seeking Alpha and writes the Money & Markets column for Engineering and Technology magazine.

Dividends Are Like Free Money

“Dividends are living proof a company has at least the resources to cough up cash to its owners – a strong indication of a good business,” says Clem Chambers.

Interest rates are low. You have capital but no income. Banks offer pitiful returns on your cash, so it’s time to look further afield for income from your savings. The answer is the income you can get from solid blue chip stocks with healthy dividends. After all, who doesn’t enjoy it when cheques land on your doormat?

Click here to subscribe now and you can follow Clem as he builds an income portfolio, seeking out shares that pay significant dividends.

Here are some posts from the archive which Clem published on Building an Income Portfolio:


He’ll explain his investment decisions and point you towards investment opportunities that an income investor would find attractive. Not only does this give you suggestions as to shares you could add to your portfolio, it also demonstrates the methods Clem uses to pick his shares.

You will get email notifications as soon as he posts an update. This is only available to subscribers, so click here to join up.

Clem is a highly respected figure in the City of London and founder anbd former CEO of the UK’s most successful stocks and shares website, ADVFN.com. Dubbed a “legend” by Robbie Burns, the Naked Trader, Clem is the ultimate contrarian investor, often going against the grain of common thinking and yielding great returns.

a year

Subscribe today and join Clem as he builds an income portfolio and invests in the future.